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324 Week 3 Outline

(Subject: Database Management/Authored by: Liping Liu on 9/7/2024 4:00:00 AM)/Views: 2018
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Review on Business Data Modeling:  

  • How do you handle composite attributes? 
  • How do you handle multi-valued attributes?
  • Verb describing relationships and Need to Track Related Records
  • data on actions may be recorded and so to turn action verbs into objects
    • Customer buys products
    • Student reserve books
    • Orders contains products, direct or indirect relationships?
    • Employees balance inventories, direct or indirect relationships?
    • Employee manage accounts
    • Doctors prescribe tests
    • Professors teach students
    • Customers wish-list products
    • Customers rate Products
    • Professors advise Students
    • Patrons checkout Books

Lecture 1: Forward Engineering: ERD to Relational Model: (Remember these rules, Chapter 6 of LIU)

  • Each entity set is converted into a table with its attributes as the columns of the table
  • Depending on the mapping cardinality, you modify the tables to make them related
    • If the relationship is 1:m or m:1, you put the primary key of the table for one-side entity set into the table for the many-side entity set
    • If the relationship is m:m, you build a junction table which has the primary keys of both entity sets as columns
    • If the relationship is 1:1, you can put the primary key of one entity set into the table for another entity set.
  • Foreign keys are optional if and only the receiving side is optional. Foreign keys in a junction table is always required.

Example 1: Convert the ERD for Customer – Order – Product problem into the relational model

Example 2.  Convert the entity-relationship diagram into a relational model manually. 

Example 3: Transform the following E-R diagram into a relational model. 

Additional Transformation Exercises:

  1. The following relational model was converted from an ERD that has been lost (Bold fields indicate the primary key). Please recover the ERD based on all the information given:

            PartPartNo, Description, Quantity, UnitPrice

                      BinBINNO, Capacity, Location, PartNo

                      Department: Name, Phone, Contact, Account, Balance

                      Dept_PartDepartment, Part

                      SupplierName, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone

                      SPL_PartFK_Name, FK_Partno


Lecture 2: Convert ERD into relational models: conversion rules on Weak entities, gerunds, exclusive relationships, recursive relationships, and super/sub type entities (Chapter 6 of Liu)

Example 3: Convert the ERD involving courses, perquisites, classes, instructors, and students, and enrollment into a relational model.

Additional Conversion Examples


Review of Forward Engineering Rules

  • Where do you create foreign keys for 1:m relationships? Are FK values required?
  • Where do you create foreign keys for m:m relationships? Are FK values required?
  • Where do you create foreign keys for 1:1 relationships? Are FK values required?
  • How do you handle weak entities and associative entities?

Reading Assignments: Chapters 3 and 6 of LIU

Writing Assignments:

  • Correctness Questions: online at course.org
  • Hands-on Questions:  Covert the following ERD into the relational model and implement the relational model in Oracle 


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