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Proposed Syllabus for ISM 250: Introduction to Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Posted on 9/10/2024) by Liping Liu
(Proposed Syllabus for ISM 250: Introduction to Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence) Assumptions for the proposed Syllabus: Course Number is ISM 250, indicating the course may be taken in parallel to ACCT 250 Since we are going to get rid of 420, and so I add two weeks on data networking and security to this course... more >>
Intall ROracle Package for Windows and Mac OS
Posted on 9/8/2024) by Liping Liu
(Intall ROracle Package for Windows and Mac OS) Since ROracle package comes as a source code, its installation requires compilation. The installation is further complicated due to requiring Oracle client. Also, for Mac OS, fix_oralib... more >>
641 Week 2 Outline
Posted on 9/7/2024) by Liping Liu
(641 Week 2 Outline) Review: Homework Question to Review Database Concepts: A record is an array of observations on one entity: Entity (ERD) <—> Record (RM) Attributes are properties or dimensions of entities (business objects) to be observed, but attributes must be relevant, singled valued, and non-foreign... more >>
324 Week 2 Outline
Posted on 9/7/2024) by Liping Liu
(324 Week 2 Outline) Review: Homework Question to Review Database Concepts: A record is an array of observations on one entity: Entity (ERD) <—> Record (RM) Attributes are properties or dimensions of entities (business objects) to be observed, but attributes must be relevant, singled valued, and non-foreign... more >>
324 Week 3 Outline
Posted on 9/7/2024) by Liping Liu
(324 Week 3 Outline) Review on Business Data Modeling:   How do you handle composite attributes?  How do you handle multi-valued attributes? Verb describing relationships and Need to Track Related Records data on actions may be recorded and so to turn action verbs into objects Customer buys products Student reserve books Orders contains products, direct or indirect relationships? Employees balance inventories, direct or indirect relationships? Employee manage accounts Doctors prescribe tests Professors teach students Customers wish-list products Customers rate Products Professors advise Students Patrons checkout Books Lecture 1: Forward Engineering: ERD to Relational Model: (Remember these rules, Chapter 6 of LIU) Each entity set is converted into a table with its attributes as the columns of the table Depending on the mapping cardinality, you modify the tables to make them related If the relationship is 1:m or m:1, you put the primary key of the table for one-side entity set into the table for the many-side entity set If the relationship is m:m, you build a junction table which has the primary keys of both entity sets as columns If the relationship is 1:1, you can put the primary key of one entity set into the table for another entity set... more >>
641 Week 3 Outline
Posted on 9/6/2024) by Liping Liu
(641 Week 3 Outline) Review: Course and Sections (why splits), Course and Prerequisites (Two entities or one?), Grade (where to store it), minimum grade required for prerequisites Lecture: What about entities that are different but similar? (Chapter 3 of LIU) Super and sub type entities: How to handle different types of entities that have many attributes in common, e... more >>
324 Week 2 (Labor Day Week) Outline
Posted on 8/29/2024) by Liping Liu
(324 Week 2 (Labor Day Week) Outline) Review: Homework Question to Review Database Concepts: A record is an array of observations on one entity: Entity (ERD) <—> Record (RM) Attributes are properties or dimensions of entities (business objects) to be observed, but attributes must be relevant, singled valued, and non-foreign... more >>
641 Week 1 Outline
Posted on 8/23/2024) by Liping Liu
(641 Week 1 Outline) Concept of Database: Database is a set of records well organized using a particular logical data model Records: A records is an array of observed characteristics (or attributes) on one object (entity) Well Organized: 1) related records are connected; 2) no unnecessary redundancy Logical Data Models: Hierarchical, Network, Relational Database Development Process Data Modeling: Entity, Attribute, relationships Database Implementation: DBMS CASE Tool: Oracle Data Modeler Terminology Confusion: logical model = conceptual model, relational model = logical model How to draw entities, create attributes, and refine relationships using Oracle Data Modeler Data Modeling: Identify Objects, Attributes, and Relationships Identify Objects: (1) objects can be tangible such as a customer or intangible such as an account or meeting; (2) objects must be observable at an instant in time; (3) objects must have multiple attributes (or dimensions) to be observed... more >>
324 Week 1 Outline
Posted on 8/21/2024) by Liping Liu
(324 Week 1 Outline) Concept of Database: Data, Information, and Knowledge Database is a set of records well organized using a particular logical data model Records: A records is an array of observed characteristics (or attributes) on one object (entity) Well Organized: 1) related records are connected; 2) no unnecessary redundancy Logical Data Models: Hierarchical, Network, Relational Database Development Process Data Modeling: Entity, Attribute, relationships Database Implementation: DBMS Data Modeling (Bank Example: Customers, Accounts, and Transactions): Identify Objects, Attributes, and Relationships Identify Objects (entities): (1) objects can be tangible such as a customer or intangible such as an account or meeting; (2) objects must be observable at an instant in time; (3) objects must have multiple attributes (or dimensions) to be observed... more >>
Get Started with Database Management
Posted on 8/20/2024) by Liping Liu
(Get Started with Database Management) Welcome to the Data Management course! Due to its hands-on nature, this course will be be delivered in in-person mode with occasional online access.  Here is a list of necessities you need to complete before your first class: 1) UA Zip ID, via which you can access campus resources such as downloading licensed software (e... more >>
Get Started with R Programming for Data Analytics
Posted on 8/20/2024) by Liping Liu
(Get Started with R Programming for Data Analytics) Welcome to Data Analytics with R! Due to its hands-on nature, this course will be delivered in in-person mode with occasional online lessons.  To get started, here is a list of basic necessities: 1) UA Zip ID, via which you can access campus resources such as downloading licensed software (e... more >>
Syllabus for ISM 602: Programming for Data Analytics
Posted on 8/19/2024) by Liping Liu
(Syllabus for ISM 602: Programming for Data Analytics) Instructor: Dr. Liping Liu, College of Business Administration Building 360, 330-972-5947, liping@uakron.edu Text Books: Tilman M. Davies, The Book of R: A First Course in Programming and Statistics, No Starch Press, 2016... more >>
Syllabus for ISM 641: Database Management
Posted on 8/19/2024) by Liping Liu
(Syllabus for ISM 641: Database Management) Instructor: Dr. Liping Liu, College of Business Administration Building 360, 330-972-5947, liping@uakron.edu Textbooks: Wilfried Lemahieu, Seppe vanden Broucke, and Bart Baesens, Principles of Database Management: The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and Small Data 1st Ed... more >>
Syllabus for ISM 324: Data Management
Posted on 8/19/2024) by Liping Liu
(Syllabus for ISM 324: Data Management) Instructor: Dr. Liping Liu, 360 CBA Building, +5947, liping@uakron.edu Credits: 3 hours Text Books: Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris. Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management 13th Edition Cengage Learning, 2018... more >>
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