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  Southern Illinois University

  Southern Illinois University

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What is your opinion? Could another species someday replace us as Earth's dominant intelligent life and, if so, which species?
  • (324: Review I for Database Management) (by Liping Liu) Concepts: Databases DBMS Logical Data Models Hierarchical Models Network Models Relational Models Primary key Foreign Key Referential Integrity Rules Entities Relationships Mapping Cardinality Optionality Attributes Composite Attributes Multi-valued Attributes Relations Relational Models Recursive Relationships Weak Entities Super and Sub Entities Gerund SQL Constraints  Oracle Meta Tables Oracle Data Types   Skills and Techniques: Conceptual Data Modeling (Entity-Relationship Diagramming) from the understanding of business objects and their relationships or from forms, reports, tables, and other data carrier to understand data requirements... more >>

  • (641 Week 7 Outline) (by Liping Liu) Warm-Up Queries: Find the employment year of each employee Find the departments in Dallas Find the salesmen who were hired after 1980 --Find menagers whose name ends with M select enamefrom empwhere job = 'MANAGER' and ename like '%M'; --Give salesman 100 commission update empset comm = comm + 100where job = 'SALESMAN'; --handle missing values upate empset comm = 0where comm is null; select 12*sal + commfrom empgroup by empno; --use nvl(comm, 0) update empset comm = nvl(comm, 0) + 100where job = 'SALESMAN';   Lecture 1: Intermediate SQL Programming: Join implicit join (outer and inner), Explicit Join: inner join, left join, right join, full outer join (or cross join) Find all the employees located in Dallas Find all employees and their associated departments Find all departments and their associated employees Explicit Joins Just like + operation in arithmetics to combine two tables, may be used in parentheses for nested combination of more than two tables Syntax: TableA join TableB on (criterion to join) three explicit Join types: left, right, inner Equivalent to implicit joins (e... more >>

This system is designed and developed by Professor Liping Liu with financial support from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. It evolved from a prior version called CourseWeb (for courses prior to Year 2000) and UXTEND.COM and www.e-course.org.
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